Colleges, universities, and school districts across America are constantly looking for new ways to engage students and increase student achievement. The advent of social media has raised the bar for student engagement, creating new platforms for easier, faster, and more fun learning.
Unfortunately, school districts and universities can face lawsuits and public relations disasters when educators inappropriately utilize social media.
TalkChalk offers a safe platform for all parties to interact using Facebook, while eliminating the liability posed by teachers and students viewing their respective Facebook profiles.
With TalkChalk, you can securely send messages to an individual student, parent, class, or the entire school community. Communication about assignments, snow days, delayed openings, and community events has never been easier!
TalkChalk gives teachers the ability to store their collection of classroom resources online for every student to access outside the classroom. With just a simple link, teachers can deploy this content as an assignment to their class.
On TalkChalk, students can help each other with questions they have about homework, new materials, quizzes, or tests. With the class page and discussion board, students can post questions for their teacher or fellow peers to answer.
Parents care about their children and want to be involved in their child’s education. With the increasing pressures on parents, we make viewing your student grades, connecting to their teachers, and helping your children with their homework - easier.
On TalkChalk, students don’t view homework as “busy work.” Our world is drastically changing and our children are pioneering a new digital world. Shouldn’t our education systems catch up? With TalkChalk, our classrooms can.
Through innovative technology, a student can bring any comment, message, or discussion board post directly to the teacher’s attention, allowing teachers to stop bullying and intimidation from becoming a problem before it starts.